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Glasses reunited!

Updated: May 19, 2022

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When a Sheffield man lost his glasses whilst travelling in New Zealand, he thought that there was little chance that he would see them again, but, thanks to the power of social media, he now has them back.

The glasses were found by Sue Forbes in Whakatane (pictured) on New Zealand’s North island and, thanks to an appointment card in the glasses case that gave a name and Alex Gage’s facebook address, Sue was able to make contact with Alex to see if he could get a message to the owner.

Alex Gage takes up the story: “It was really ironic, as I used to drink with the glasses owner’s son, so I was able to contact him and ask him to pass on Sue’s details to his Dad.

“I was really pleased to learn that the glasses were safely returned and going forward will be encouraging patients to like our facebook page, alexgagefamilyoptometrist, so that if this happens again, it will be easier to reunite the glasses with their owner!”

The owner of the glasses called Alex Gage to thank him on his return to Sheffield and expressed amazement that they were reunited.


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